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Meshless particle-based fluid dynamics

shonMesh is a mesh pre-processing software specifically designed for our shonCloud products, including shonDy, shonTA, and shonFlow. It enables users to efficiently convert their CAD files into the required mesh formats. Beyond functioning as a mesh generator, it also provides geometric editing and cleaning operations.

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Short overview of shonMesh’s capabilities

  • Support for various CAD file formats ( STEP, IGS, X_T, and more)
  • Geometry analysis and healing (such as intersections and penetrations)
  • High-Quality Mesh generator (triangular surface meshes and tetrahedral volume meshes)
  • Support global and local mesh sizing
  • Enable to define boundary patches on the geometry
  • Mesh quality assessment and visualization
  • Mesh repairing
  • Enable to generate fundamental geometries and use standard boolean operations on them
Case Studies
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shonMesh, perfect for our shonCloud products!

  • Seamless generation of all shonCloud specific file formats
  • Effortless millions of elements possible
  • User-friendly interface
  • Comprehensive Chinese and English user manual with search functionality
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